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My "Bae Pu"

My “bae pu” I miss you, really, so miss you. Too long time I didn’t see you. Just heared your voice from that calling.
Gue gak tahu juga kenapa begini. Rasanya as if mereka gak…  atau gimana gue juga gak ngerti. Or semuanya just feeling or... huft.
Cerita. Gue gak satu jurusan. It’s me like this and those are them like that. Are we different? What the difference? Oh I dunna owt. Tha… tha… tha… oh... cuma perasaan. Padahal sebenarnya kurang “pe-de” aja.
 Yups, as though gak ada tempat yang sesuai buat gue, share my own story tale. Oh. Hati selau menolak. Jangan! Don’t say a word to them! Their minds aren’t your suitable place. Why? My soul is always ask, but , oh… rather confused.
Mending cerita ama angin. Could them hear my soft screaming from my deepest heart? Could be.
Gue juga manusia. Punya rasa. Punya hati. Sesak. Tapi… these little things are… oh, I can’t. Slipped out from my mouth. They aren’t. Oh...
Daripada gak karuan rasanya, gue sering cari tempat yang penuh oksigen. Cuma suara angin yang nemenin gue. Mereka belai rasa sakit di dada gue. And I feel better than before. Thanks God. Alhamdulillah. Perbanyak dzikir buat ngisi kekeroposan jiwa gue yang semaakin terkikis. Unclear feeling that… oh. They are… humph, I have had a bellyful of them. I’m so sorry. Hati gue gak bisa bohong. Cuma mulut tuh, rasanya gak pengin ngelakuin aktivitas apa-apa. It was so difficult to breath, but my Allah will always keep me in calm. Rarely, rasanya pengin meledak. Astaghfirullahal’azim…
You. Yeah, you are far faraway there. Could you hear my pain sound? I dunno.


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